Ecommerce Posts

Getting Multifamily Ready for the New Era of Online Shopping
For the past several years, the multifamily industry has catered to the wants and needs of the Millennial generation, thinking of them as they update their community or add new amenities. When Millennials wanted to move into downtown urban markets, the multifamily industry responded by renovating empty warehouses and...
4 Property Management Tech Trends to Watch
The influx of more advanced technology has made its way into nearly every industry in America. This also rings true in the property management industry, where major up-and-coming tech trends will create a better tenant experience. As some property managers and management companies have already implemented these...
5 Ways Last-Mile Logistics Can Still Improve in 2019
As the holiday season makes a swift exit, many can relish in relaxation. It has become increasingly stressful to holiday shop, especially for last-minute gifts, as e-commerce and online retail has transformed the way we shop both during the holidays and year-round. The hope that your package will get you to on time by...
3 Ways the Industrial Market is Being Impacted by Retail
Retail trends have had a huge impact on the industrial market for the last few years. Amazon shifted the entire e-commerce industry to lightning-fast shipping, which means that industrial centers and warehouses are being moved to closer-to-the-city locations to handle the load. On top of that, the trend toward reduced...